The Rural and Remote Homelessness funding stream provides project funding to all non-
Designated Communities. Non Designated Communities include any community outside of the Designated Communities and Territorial Homelessness streams, regardless of the size of community.
The projects help to prevent and reduce homelessness in the community. The projects should also have broad community support and meet the Reaching home program requirements as established at the Federal level:
Rural and Remote Advisory Board (RRAB)
Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia (community entity)
Lisa Ryan – Dept. of Community Services, (Ex-Officio Member) - Bridgewater
Sarah Flemming - Colchester (Interim Chair)
Nancy O’Regan - Guysborough
Christine Johnson - Public Health, Antigonish
Vernon Simms - Lunenburg
Tanya Borden - Infrastructure Canada (Ex-Officio Member)
Ashley Staples - Infrastructure Canada (Ex-Officio Member)
Funded Projects by Agency and Location
A Roof Over Your Head, Antigonish
CMHA Nova Scotia (Project Hope), Kentville
Native Council of Nova Scotia, Truro
Pictou County Roots for Youth, New Glasgow
Split Rock Learning Centre Association, Yarmouth
South Shore Open Doors Association, Bridgewater
YMCA Cumberland County, Amherst